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In Memory of PICKLES


This year we are marching in the memory of Caitlin, our beautiful daughter and sister who passed away on 26 August 2017 from melanoma at the age of 23.
Caitlin was diagnosed with melanoma in February 2014 in a mole that she had had since birth, on her arm.  Although she had surgery and completed a year of treatment, Caitlin was diagnosed with a reoccurrence of Stage 4 melanoma on the brain in November 2016. Treatment seemed to be working, but sadly Caitlin passed away suddenly and unexpected.  This has left a huge hole in our hearts.
Caitlin really appreciated the support from family and friends when she fundraised for the Melanoma March 2017 and she believed that while every cent counts, actively checking your skin and being aware of the dangers associated with moles (and not just the sun) is vital in preventing future cases. We do not want others to go through what we have.
Prevention and early detection relies on us being aware and vigilant, while finding treatments and a cure rely on funding for research.
We have decided to make a difference by creating a page for Melanoma March 2018 in memory of Caitlin to raise awareness and raise some funds for research.
You can easily support our efforts by checking your skin, raising awareness, making a secure donation, or joining us on the walk (or, all of these).

 We would also really appreciate it if you could share our page so that more people know about this disease and what we are all trying to do to raise awareness and find a cure.  
Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation. 
Thanks so much for your support!
Greg, Gil and Jake

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Melanoma Institute Australia (Melanoma March)

Melanoma Institute Australia (MIA) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the goal of zero deaths from melanoma, a goal we believe we can reach this decade through innovative, world-class research, treatment and education programs.

For more info, visit our website.

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